We check babies and children's heart an evaluate for any problems, we can do children's ecg, Echocardiogram and full heart (cardiac) consultation related with dr Talal Farha, UK consultant trained in Oxford
1750 AED
General paediatric cases, including in hospital care and complex conditions
All children medical problems are treated and managed in Somerset Clinic. full UK consultant team with over 100 years experience between them all.
top standards and highly ethical. we do want to build long term relationship not just patient's fi...
675 AED
Dental care
All cases of dental problems, common routine care to dental implant, gum diseases and orthodontists work . for adults and for children with full 5 doctors all UK consultant
Sağlanan bilgiler:hastane listesi, sağlık kontrolü (muayene), Sanatoryum ve kaplıca haritası, Sağlık cüzdanı, havuza giriş belgesi, anaokulu sağlık raporu