• I have been trying to find setuid executables using a `one liner'. The line I first tried was: find / -perm /u+s -type f.
  • The "perm" option of find command accepts the same mode string like chmod. The following command finds all files with permission 644 and sgid bit set.
  • I wonder what \( -perm -4000 -o -perm -2000 \) does. I think it is permission levels but i have trouble finding the -perm command in any documentations.
  • find /var/www/html -perm 644. You can prefix the numeric mode with minus - or slash /. ... Consider the following example command: find . -perm /444.
  • find . -perm 754. ... find . -perm u=rwx,g=rx,o=r. Same as the above command, but uses a symbolic representation of the permission bits.
  • (See “man find” to learn about all options and their use). Here , we would learn perm the option in detail that is used with the find command.
  • We’ll explore the ‘find’ command’s core functionality, delve into its advanced features, and even discuss common issues and their solutions. ... find / -perm 644.
  • -Perm does not have + without +, it is completely matched. -perm rear belt - means that this Mode is included (than it is wide), for example 6600 contains 6000.
  • Multiple permissions can be specified using comma like perm g=w,o=x,o=r. find . -perm -444 finds files which are writable by all in current dir.
  • find . -perm -100 -print. When the -perm argument has a minus sign, all of the permission bits are examined, including the set user ID bits.