• More information can be found on Apache Maven Homepage. Questions related to the usage of Maven should be posted on the Maven User List.
    • Last commit:
      19 June 2024
  • # Maven v3 # Build, test, and deploy with Apache Maven. - task: Maven@3 inputs: mavenPOMFile: 'pom.xml' # string. Required.
  • If an artifact or a plugin is available in the local repository, Maven uses it. Otherwise, it is downloaded from a central repository and stored in the local repository.
  • Plugins are the primary way to extend Maven. Developing a Maven plugin can be done by extending the org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo class.
  • A POM is the basement of the Maven framework. It’s a type of XML file that accommodates data from your project and the configuration details.
  • Introducing Apache Maven
    • Universal Reuse through Maven Plugins
    • Is Maven an alternative to XYZ?
  • To install Apache Maven on Windows, you just need to download the Maven’s zip file, unzip it to a folder, and configure the Windows environment variables.
  • But Maven is more advanced than ANT. Like ANT, Maven has made the process of building simple. Thus, in short, Maven has made the life of developers easy.
  • When you should execute a maven command you give maven a POM file to execute the commands.
  • Learn how to download, install and set up Maven quickly and easily on Windows to manage dependencies and build Java projects efficiently.