• The predicate -path is also supported. by HP-UX find and will be in a forthcoming version of the POSIX standard. - perm mode.
  • find . -perm 754. ... find . -perm u=rwx,g=rx,o=r. Same as the above command, but uses a symbolic representation of the permission bits.
    • -newer file: search for the file names that are modified after “file”.
    • -perm octal: search for the files if the permission is ‘octal’.
    Linux Find -perm option.
  • To find files based on their set permissions, you will need to use the “-perm” option, followed by the numerical permission.
  • find . -perm 0600. ... find dira dirb dirc -perm -0600 -print. We highly recommend the following article to get more info about file permissions in Linux.
  • find . -perm -g-r. It shows me all of the files?? So I tried this ... It appears that -perm -g-r matches all files. I'm using CentOS 5.5. Am I doing something wrong?
  • Fixing Permissions (find -type -perm). Suppose you want to make sure that everyone can write to the directories in a certain directory tree.
  • Using -perm argument, you can search for files that have a specific permission. Here's the syntax: find [path] -perm [permissions] [options].
  • The expression will define how to search and match files and what to do with them. Here you see that find is very powerful and has a lot of options.
  • sudo find /usr -type f -perm /u=s. ... find /etc -maxdepth 1 -perm /u=r.