- en.wikipedia.org XubuntuXubuntu (/zʊˈbʊntuː/) is a Canonical-recognized, community-maintained derivative of the Ubuntu operating system. The name Xubuntu is a portmanteau of Xfce and Ubuntu...
- eksisozluk.com xubuntu--1491129...video ipod'u sorunsuz gördü. sanıyorum asıl sorun iphone ve ipod touch cihazlarında. çok üzülerek ubuntu'ya geçiyorum. ama ben seni çok sevdim xubuntu.
- distrowatch.com table.php…A couple of days ago, I wrote a review, pointing to my inability to install Xubuntu 24.04.
- github.com XubuntuXubuntu is a community-developed, Ubuntu-based operating system that combines elegance and ease of use.
- onworks.net os-distributions/ubuntu-based/free-…Xubuntu is perfect for those who want the most out of their desktops, laptops and netbooks with a modern look and enough features for efficient, daily usage.
- ubuntufree.com xubuntu/Experience a new Xubuntu with Xfce, updated kernel and much lighter and faster, we have screenshots and features to compare.
- ubuntudocs.com xubuntu/Xubuntu, although based on Ubuntu, is a somewhat different Flavor of Ubuntu. At the heart of the system it is Ubuntu but for the Desktop it uses Xfce.
- linuxsimply.com linux-basics/os-installation/…If you’re intrigued by the idea of embracing Xubuntu’s speed and user-friendly interface, this step-by-step guide will walk you through the seamless process of...
- medium.com kodcular/xubuntu-20-04-i̇nceleme-…20.04 sürümü ile gelen yenilikler için yukarıda da belirtiğim Ubuntu 20.04 yenilikler adlı yazıyı okuyabilirsiniz. Xubuntu’da da aynı yenilikler.
- linuxvmimages.com images/xubuntu-2204/Xubuntu 22.04 comes with Xfce 4.16, Mousepad 0.5.8, Ristretto 0.12.2, Whisker Menu Plugin 2.7.1 and Six new community wallpaper.