• ...'The Temple of Apollo at Delphi' in The Journal of Hellenic Studies (Vol.9: The Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies) 282-322 Scott, M. (2014) Delphi: A...
  • Getting to see the Temple of Apollo and its columns that have survived several earthquakes and wars is, by itself, worth the journey.
  • Our trip to Greece in April 2022 started in Delphi, home to The Delphic Oracle. ... Temple of Apollo with Temple of Athena in the Distance, Dephi.
  • The Temple of Apollo was a Hellenic pagan temple in Delphi , Phokis , Greece which was built in the 8th century BC to commemorate the Greek god Apollo...
  • The oracular process of the Pythia went as follows: the inquirer comes to the Temple of Apollo at Delphi and offers a gift upon the alter located outside the building.
  • The Delphi Temple of Apollo was built in the 4th century BCE on the site of an earlier temple, which had been destroyed by fire.
    • Detail of foundation at SE corner from E, Delphi, Temple of Apollo
    • Overall view of temple from top of theater, Delphi, Temple of Apollo
    Built on the same location as an earlier Temples of Apollo.
  • The 6th-century BC temple was named the 'Temple of Alcmonidae' in tribute to the Athenian family who funded its reconstruction following a fire, which had...
  • In the construction of the archaic temple contributed after 513 B.C. the Alcmaeonids, the known Athenian family, which had come to Delphi exiled by Peisistratids.
  • The marble and tuff statues of the pediments are attributed to the Athenian sculptor Antenor and depicted Apollo’s arrival at Delphi (east)...