• In the pre-Columbian era, modern Honduras was split between two pan-cultural regions: Mesoamerica in the west and the Isthmo-Colombian area in the east.
  • Yaklaşık 5.600 kişinin hayatını yitirdiği bu felaketten sonra köyden kente göçün arttığı Honduras dünyanın en fakir ülkelerinden biridir.
  • Honduras has colonial villages (Gracias, Comayagua), ancient Maya ruins (Copán), natural parks (Moskitia), and a Pacific and Caribbean coastline and the Bay Islands...
  • Bu bölgeler Honduras Tepeleri, Karayip Honduras Bölgesi ve Pasifik Honduras olarak isimlendirilmiştir.
  • Slightly larger than the state of Tennessee, Honduras is mountainous and the only Central American country without active volcanoes.
  • Honduras 1842-1844 arasında El Salvador ve Nikaragua’yla birlikte bir konfederasyon kurdu ve komşu ülkelerin toprak isteklerini karşılamak zorunda kaldı.
  • Honduras became a state in the United Provinces of Central America in 1821, and an independent republic with the demise of the union in 1840.
  • This Honduras Travel Blog has a mission of providing you with all of the necessary resources for an outstanding holiday in Honduras.
  • Laid-back, low-profile Honduras is one of Central America's largely unknown tourist destinations.
  • Honduras is one of five countries preparing to observe the date, which marks the end of a more than 5,000-year era, according to the Mayan "Long Count" calendar...