• A depiction of Víðarr stabbing Fenrir while holding his jaws apart by W. G. Collingwood, 1908, inspired by the Gosforth Cross.
  • W. G. Collingwood'un Gosforth Cross'dan esinlendiği, Víðarr'ın çenesini açık tutarak Fenrir'i bıçakladığını gösteren 1908 tarihli tasviri.
  • Vidar (Víðarr), the son of Odin and Giantess Grindr, is one of the Æsir gods in Norse mythology.
  • In Norse mythology, Víðarr is a god among the Æsir associated with vengeance. Víðarr is described as the son of the god Óðinn and the Jǫtunn Gríðr...
  • Víðarr, günümüz toplumundaki önemi, günlük hayata etkisi veya tarihsel önemi nedeniyle insanların zihinlerinde tartışma, ilgi ve merak uyandıran bir konu olmaya...
  • To avenge Óðin, Viðarr alternately pierces Fenrir’s heart with a spear, or pins the giant wolf’s jaws with a massive shoe and rips his snarling head apart.
  • İskandinav mitolojisinde Víðarr (Eski Norsça muhtemelen "engin hükümdar",[1] bazen Vidar, Vithar, Vidarr ya da Vitharr şeklinde ingilizleştirilir.)
  • A depiction of Norse god Víðarr stabbing Fenrir while holding beast’s jaws apart.
  • Vidar (pronounced “VIH-dar”; from Old Norse Víðarr, which might mean “The Wide-Ruling One”[1]) is one of the younger generation of gods who survive Ragnarok...
  • …be avenged by his son Vidar (Víðarr), who will pierce the beast to the heart.