• Loki tricks Höðr into shooting Baldr. Höðr (Old Norse: Hǫðr [ˈhɔðz] , Latin Hotherus; often anglicized as Hod, Hoder, or Hodur) is a god in Norse mythology.
  • Höðr, aynı zamanda affetme, yeniden doğuş ve umudun sembolü olarak da görülebilir, zira Baldr’ın ölümünden sonra tanrıların dünyası önemli değişikliklere uğrar.
  • An illustration of the Norse god Höðr, from an Icelandic 17th century manuscript.
  • Höðr is depicted as being exceptionally strong and adept at combat – a peerless warrior, and a prince of Ásgard.
  • Hodr (pronounced “HO-der”; from Old Norse Höðr, “Warrior”[1]) is a Scandinavian god whom we know only from a single episode in Norse mythology...
  • There are several verses in the Skáldskaparmál related to Höðr, in which he is called by a number of different names: the Blind God, Baldr's Slayer, Thrower of the...
  • It is clear from this that Snorri was familiar with the role of Váli as Höðr's slayer, even though he does not relate that myth in the Gylfaginning prose.
  • Höðr kör bir tanrı ve Odin ve Frigg <134'ün oğludur>İskandinav mitolojisinde . Loki tarafından kandırılıp yönlendirilerek, aksi takdirde yenilmez olan Baldr .
  • Höðr is often portrayed as a tragic character who, due to his blindness, is unable to comprehend the consequences of his actions when he kills Baldr.
  • During a gathering of gods, where it became a sport to try to harm Baldr, seeing him invulnerable, Loki approached the blind Höðr.