• Scholars have proposed that Bestla may be Mímir's sister, and therefore Mímir would be Odin's maternal uncle. Etymology[edit].
  • ] Mímir, meaning "the rememberer" or "the wise one" in Old Norse, is a figure in Norse Mythology who is renowned for his knowledge and wisdom.
  • But under that root which turns toward the Rime-Giants is Mímir's Well, wherein wisdom and understanding are stored; and he is called Mímir, who keeps the well.
  • According to snippets in the Prose Edda and other ancient sources, Mimir was the brother of Bestla, a frost-giantess who bore the gods Odin, Vili, and Ve.
  • Mimir, tell me the chant about… ... Something New. Being the freshest chant on this here mimir (see the Latest Chant page for more).
  • Speak
    • Initiate a topic anyone anytime anywhere.
    • Invite friends or study peers on The Mimir.
  • Stella Guðrún, nemandi í Menntastoðum. „Ef þú hefur áhuga á að taka skrefið og fara að læra þá er Mímir alveg 100% rétti staðurinn.“
  • A Mimir is a Spanish babytalk mispronunciation of the phrase "A Dormir" (To sleep) that grew popular in the social media sites like Twitter, Reddit, and Tu.