• In 1341, the laws in force in the Genoese Gazaria were collected in the "Liber Gazarie", now kept in the State Archives of Genoa.
  • The present volume is an attempt to address three major objectives of the historical study of Byzantium, the Genoese Gazaria and the Golden Horde.
  • By this volume, we wanted to address a few key issues raised in historical and archaeological studies of Byzantium, Genoese Gazaria and Golden Horde.
  • Gazaria” the Genoese colonies of Crimea (together with the Principality of Theodoro-Mangup and the Khanate of Crimea), 1266-1475.
  • For the state entity, built by the Genoese in the region of the Northern Black Sea Coast, the name Genoese Gazaria is proposed.
  • Gazaria” the Genoese colonies of Crimea (together with the Principality of Theodoro-Mangup and the Khanate of Crimea), 1266-1475.
  • Генуэзская Газария и Золотая Орда The Genoese Gazaria and the Golden Horde. Stratum PlusOctober 18, 2019.
  • By this volume, we wanted to address a few key issues raised in historical and archaeological studies of Byzantium, Genoese Gazaria and Golden Horde.
  • We also identified a group of “Marine Graffiti” on Objects of Religious Architecture in the Port Cities of Genoese Gazaria of 14th — 15th Centuries...