• Langue (frz.: dil, dil sistemi) Ferdinand de Saussure'e göre işaretlerin ve dil bilgisi kurallarının (genel, bireyler üstü, sosyal) sistemidir ve yine ona göre parole...
  • Ferdinand de Saussure was a Swiss linguist and semiotician who is known for his contributions to the understanding of linguistics, structuralism, and...
  • In this story, I would like to present the life and work of one of the most cited figures in the French-speaking humanities: Ferdinand de Saussure (1857–1913).
  • This principle was first stated clearly, for linguistics, by the Swiss scholar Ferdinand de Saussure (1857–1913).
  • Ferdinand de Saussure, dilbilim çalışmalarında devrim yaratan bir düşünürdür.
  • Within their study of the sign, Ferdinand de Saussure and his later disciples established three main characteristics
  • Ferdinand de Saussure 26 Kasım 1857 ila 22 Şubat 1913 tarihleri arasında yaşamış, Cenevre doğumlu, İsviçreli dil bilimci ve filozoftur.
  • Ferdinand, doğabilimcisi Henri de Saussure ve Louise Elisabeth de Pourtalès’in oğlu ve Nicolas Theodore de Saussure’ün torunudur.
  • Ferdinand de Saussure and Structural Linguistics.
  • Enter Ferdinand de Saussure (1857–1913), a Swiss linguist who challenged this view by suggesting that there was no inherent relationship between a word and...
  • Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure was the founder of structural linguistics, which broke with philological and historical approaches to language to establish...
  • Ferdinand de Saussure ve sonraki öğrencileri burç üzerine yaptıkları çalışmada üç ana özellik belirlediler
  • Ferdinand, doğabilimcisi Henri de Saussure ve Louise Elisabeth de Pourtalès’in oğlu ve Nicolas Theodore de Saussure’ün torunudur.