• Edmund Gustav Albrecht Husserl (8 Nisan 1859 – 27 Nisan 1938),[3] fenomenoloji okulunu kuran Yahudi[4][5] kökenli Alman filozoftur.
  • One of the most iconic figures in modern philosophy, Edmund Husserl is known today as the founding father of Phenomenology.
  • Today is the 163rd anniversary of the birth of Edmund Husserl (08 April 1859–27 April 1938), who was born on this date in 1859.
  • Özetle, özgül bir felsefe disiplini olarak Fenomenoloji’nin kurucusu Edmund Husserl’dir ve Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty ve Sartre gibi varoluşçu felsefecileri derinden...
  • Edmund Husserl was the principal founder of phenomenology—and thus one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century.
  • Edmund Husserl 1859 yılında Avusturya İmparatorluğu'nda Ortodoks olmayan Yahudi bir ailenin çocuğu olarak dünyaya geldi.
  • Edmund Husserl (1859 - 1938) is one of the most influential philosophers of this century.
  • 8 Nisan 1859’da Moravya’da Possnitz’de doğdu 27 Nisan 1938’de Freiburg’da öldü Edmund Husserl.
  • Husserl was born into a Jewish family and completed his qualifying examinations in 1876 at the German public gymnasium in the neighbouring city of Olmütz...
  • Fenomenoloji’nin Temel Yapıtaşları’ndan olan Yönelmişlik, Edmund Husserl Felsefesi’nde en Belirgin Değeri’ni almıştır.
  • The term “Phenomenology”, as it is used by Husserl and his disciples, designates first of all a principle of philosophical and scientific method.
  • Edmund Husserl'in Çevrilen Eserleri. ... Avrupa İnsanlığının Krizi ve Felsefe, E.Husserl, Afa Yayınları, 1994.
  • Edmund Husserl, (d. 8 Nisan 1859 - ö. 27 Nisan 1938), Alman filozof. Husserl, Berlin ve Viyana'da matematik, fizik, astronomi, felsefe eğitimi aldı.