Gezilecek yerler
- Kizhi PogostKizhi Pogost (Russian: Кижский погост) is a historical site dating from the 17th century on Kizhi island. The island is located on Lake Onega in the Republic of Karelia...
- en/list/544/The day-to-day management of the Kizhi Pogost is the responsibility of the Kizhi State Open-Air Museum, which carries out monitoring, maintenance...
- Kiji PogostKiji Pogost (Rusça: Кижский Погост), Kiji adasında yer alan, 17. yüzyıldan kalma tarihi bir yerdir. Ada, Rusya'nın Karelya Cumhuriyeti'ndeki (Medvejyegorski Bölgesi)...Bulunamadı: kizhi
- travel/article/kizhi-…Beyond Kizhi Pogost, several wooden buildings including houses, barns, windmills, bathhouses, and chapels were relocated from various villages to Kizhi...
- kizhiToday, this collection of traditional log structures, centered on two churches and a bell tower set in an enclosure still called the Kizhi Pogost, lives on as one of...
- kizhi-pogost-russia/What makes Kizhi Pogost truly remarkable is its construction entirely without nails, a feat that showcases the ingenuity and mastery of carpentry by its builders.
- project/kizhi-pogostDue to its uncertain future and ever more precarious condition, Kizhi Pogost was included on the 1996 World Monuments Watch.
- sacred-spaces-the-churches-…Kizhi is home to over 80 wooden structures, but the most spectacular – the Churches of Transfiguration and Intercession – reside in the Kizhi Pogost enclosure.
- sights/kizhi-island-museum/The present Kizhi Pogost consists of the churches of the Transfiguration and the Intercession, a bell tower and a small graveyard, all fenced with a wall of...
- kizhi-pogost-the-architectural…The modern Kizhi Pogost is a small space enclosed by a wooden wall, inside which there are unique monuments of wooden architecture, two churches and a bell...
Kiji Pogost
Dünya Mirası Alanı
Genel bilgiler
Kiji Pogost, Kiji adasında yer alan, 17. yüzyıldan kalma tarihi bir yerdir.
Ada, Rusya'nın Karelya Cumhuriyeti'ndeki (Medvejyegorski Bölgesi) Onega Gölü üzerinde yer almaktadır.
Pogost, iki büyük ahşap kilise (22 kubbeli Başkalaşım Kilisesi ve 9 kubbeli Meryem'in Şefaati Kilisesi) ve bir çan kulesi içeren, çitlerle çevrili bir alandır.
1990 yılında UNESCO tarafından Dünya Mirası, 1993 yılında Rus Kültürel Miras Alanı olarak listelenmiştir.
Kısa bilgiler
- Tamamlanma tarihi:1714