• After the dissolution of the College of the Vestals in the late 4th century AD, the House of the Vestals continued to serve as a residence building.
  • Before the 64 CE Fire Before the great fire of Rome during the reign of emperor Nero the house of the vestals had a different shape, size, floor plan and orientation.
  • They lived in the Atrium Vestiae — the house of the Vestals — which was a fancy fifty room, three-story building at the foot of the Palatine Hill.
  • The House of Vestals (the only female priesthood in Ancient Rome), on the south side of the Via Sacra, was a complex including the Temple of Vesta and the...
  • A statue of Numa with a head of an ideal Greek type of the fifth century B.C., with a space for a bronze beard, was found in the house of the Vestals.
  • In A.D. 382, Gratianus appropriated the property of the Vestals; the house was then used as a residence first for the imperial and later for the papal officials.
  • The House Of The Vestals By Steven Saylor DEATH WEARS A MASK "Eco," I said, "do you mean to tell me that you have neve...
  • Today, remains of the statues of the Vestals can be seen in the Atrium Vestae. ... The House of the Vestals was rebuilt several times in the course of the Empire.
  • The House of Vestals may be a perished complex of ruins these days, but it was once one of the most spellbinding buildings in all of Rome.