• The Serapeum’s Banned, Hidden, and Censored Archives Curated and triple backed up archive of the information they don’t want you to see.
  • The looting of the Serapeum started at a time when hieroglyphs could still be read, as the names of the bulls were scratched out on many of the stelae.
  • The Serapeum of Alexandria in the Ptolemaic Kingdom was an ancient Greek temple built by Ptolemy III Euergetes. There are also signs of Harpocrates.
  • A particular striking example of this aesthetic, both in terms of its beauty and its prominence, is the Serapeum at Hadrian’s Villa.
  • Then head to the Serapeum, the ancient Egyptian burial place for sacred bulls of the Apis cult at Memphis.
  • An avenue of sphinxes leads to the Serapeum, which is composed of two long corridors that once housed the mummified remains of the bulls.
  • Why visit the excavation of Serapeum of Alexandria? The Serapeum of Alexandria is one of the world's most fascinating and significant ancient sites.
  • Founded in 300 BC. by Ptolemy, SERAPEUM was a monumental sanctuary that was part of the historic library of Alexandria.
  • One of the most intriguing sites in Egypt, which egyptologists can not logically explain is the Serapeum, located in the massive ancient area known as Saqqara.
  • Around the commemorative Column of Diocletian (Pompey’s Pillar) there are the remains of the Serapeum (Arabic name, Amoud el-Sawari...