• Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Donanması, 1999'da yeni bir Arleigh Burke sınıfı destroyeri USS Winston S. Churchill olarak adlandırarak onu onurlandırdı.
  • ...tarihi şahsiyeti ve en olmadık yerde karşınıza çıkan siyasi becerisiyle geçtiğimiz yüzyıla damgasını vuran İngiliz devlet adamı Winston Churchill; 2015'te...
  • Winston Churchill was born on 30 November 1874, in Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire and was of rich, aristocratic ancestry.
  • Winston Churchill’s biography by Andrew Roberts.
  • 1940'ta hitler'in başarılarını kıskanan mussolini yunanistan'a saldırır. yunanlılar saldırıyı karşılar ve durdururlar. bu stabil ortamda churchill yunan hükümetine...
  • The official biography, Winston S. Churchill, was begun by the former prime minister's son Randolph in the early 1960s; it passed on to Martin Gilbert in 1968...
  • Winston Churchill, the indomitable British statesman and wartime leader, guided his nation through World War II with unwavering determination and eloquence.
  • churchill Sir Winston Churchill (30 November 1874 – 24 January 1965) was a British politician and author, best known as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom...
  • Prime Minister Winston S. Churchill delivering a campaign speech from a rooftop on 25 June 1945, preparing for the General Election that ended his wartime...
  • Bu yıllarda maliye bakanı olan ve 1916’da başbakan olacak Liberal Partili David Lloyd George, Kolonilerden Sorumlu Bakan Winston Churchill ile, 1910.