• From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Defunct Trotskyist party in Portugal. Revolutionary Socialist Party. Partido Socialista Revolucionário.
  • The International Socialists were allied and worked with the Party of the Revolutionary Proletariat (PRP), the leading proponents of the Revolutionary Councils...
  • The Socialist Revolutionary Party (PSR - Partido Socialista Revolucion�rio), originally a trotskist party, recentely turned into a party of the �great causes�...
  • A clear socialist direction – which can only be provided by a revolutionary party respected by the working class – was missing.
  • Firstly, the most prominent organizations of the left, the Socialist Party and the Communist Party, played objectively counter-revolutionary roles.
  • The workers’ parties: the Communist Party, the Socialist Party and the revolutionary left. At this point, it becomes necessary to look in some detail at the main...
  • Led by Antonio Costa, the Prime Minister of Portugal, the Socialist Party (PS) is a center-left party that won a majority in the last general election.
  • That did not materialize because there was not a powerful revolutionary socialist party to challenge the hold of the Communist and Socialist Parties.
  • The PS, as one of the two largest parties in Portugal, has often formed governments. In the revolutionary situation in 1974- 75, the socialists were looked on as...
  • Undoubtedly while the revolutionary Junta of officers has great support and prestige among the masses, the massive vote for the Socialist Party was a vote...