• Mount Roraima (Spanish: Monte Roraima; Tepuy Roraima; Cerro Roraima; Portuguese: Monte Roraima) is the highest of the Pacaraima chain of tepuis (table-top mountain)...
  • Mount Roraima is a tepui, a unique flat-topped mountain found in the Guiana Highlands of South America.
  • Over time, dozens of species of plants have adapted to the semi-sterile soil of Mount Roraima’s plateau by supplementing their diet with the flesh of insects.
  • Journey to mount Roraima is an unforgettable adventure for all fans of wildlife, eco tourism and outdoor activities.
  • Mount Roraima is one of 115 tepuis in the Gran Sabana area of Venezuela close to the border with the countries Guyana and Brazil.
  • MOUNT RORAIMA - Heaven On Earth.
  • Moist air rising off the surrounding rainforest in the tropical heat creates heavy rain clouds that billow up and across the summit of Roraima causing frequent...
  • Despite being a challenging trek due to its harsh weather conditions and difficult terrains, Mount Roraima’s allure is irresistible to hikers.
  • Mount Roraima and the Pacaraima Mountains are among South America's most awe-inspiring and geologically significant landscapes, with unique ecosystems...
  • Tepui Formation: Mount Roraima is part of a geological formation known as a tepui, which refers to a table-top mountain with steep, almost vertical walls and a flat...