• Whitehall Sarayı 1530 yılından 1689 yılına kadar İngiltere Kralları'nın ikâmetgâhı olan saraydır. Döneminde Avrupa'daki en büyük saray...
  • Inigo Jones's plan, dated 1638, for a new palace at Whitehall, which was only realised in part. The Palace of Whitehall – also spelled White Hall – at Westminster was the main...
  • Whitehall Palace, former English royal residence located in Westminster, London, on a site between the Thames River and the present-day St. James’s Park.
  • Whitehall Sarayı İngiltere’nin Londra şehrinde bulunmaktadır. Etkileyici yapı bir zamanlar kraliyet ailesine ev sahipliği yapmış bir cazibe merkezidir.
  • The nucleus of Whitehall Palace was York Place, which for three centuries had been the London residence of the archbishops of York.
  • We did not plan on entering the Whitehall Palace but as it was on our London Pass and we had some time we decided to go in. ... Westminster Sarayı.
  • In 1698 almost all the palace was consumed by fire. Only the Banqueting Hall remained standing. After the destruction of Whitehall, the old property was not rebuilt.
  • Bölge, adını bir zamanlar burada bulunan Tudor döneminden kalma büyük bir kraliyet ikametgahı olan Whitehall Sarayı'ndan alıyor .
  • At the time of its fiery destruction in 1698, Whitehall Palace was probably the largest palace in Europe; the centre of English royal power for 168 years.
  • The mighty Hampton Court occupies 6 acres of land, however, in comparison, Whitehall Palace is nearly four times as large, occupying 23 acres!