• M.S. 300 civarında Antik Campus Martius'un modeli. Campus Martius (Latince Roma'lı kahramanların üzerinde yürüdüğü "Tanrı Mars'ın alanı", İtalyanca Campo Marzio)...
  • Other things that the Campus Martius reflects is the ingenuity taken for structures for not just religion to either worship or repent.
    Bulunamadı: antik, roma
  • By the time of Hadrian the pomerium had been extended to include the prata Flaminia, but the campus Martius in its narrower sense was not included until the wall...
    Bulunamadı: antik
  • Rome's Campus Martius, or Field of Mars, is the flat plain just north of the Capitoline Hill and extending just south of the Piazza del Popolo.
    Bulunamadı: antik
  • Campus Martius (Campo Marzio), English Field of Mars, is a lowland in the bend of the Tiber River with an area of 250 hectares between the Quirinal, Pincian...
    Bulunamadı: antik, roma
  • Campus Martius, in ancient Rome, a floodplain of the Tiber River, the site of the altar of Mars and the temple of Apollo in the 5th century bce.
    Bulunamadı: antik, roma
  • Campo Marzio ( Latince : Campus Martĭus , " Campo di Marte "), antik Roma'nın yaklaşık 20. yüzyıla ait bir bölgesiydi.2.5 km²...
  • Serving since the 50s B.C. as the platform for Rome’s most extensive monumentalization ever, the Campus Martius stood in the center of Augustus’ plans to renew...
    Bulunamadı: antik
  • Henceforth, a multitude of houses, temples, theaters, baths and other infrastructures including the amphitheater were built in the campus until it became what it...
    Bulunamadı: antik
  • During the Augustan Age, Agrippa created public baths at Campus Martius bearing his name, as well as the Pantheon.
    Bulunamadı: antik, roma
  • During the final years of Rome’s Regal Period and in the first century of the Early Republic, a number of religious temples were built on the Campus Martius.
    Bulunamadı: antik
  • View of the Campus Martius, from Il Campo Marzio dell' Antica Roma [aerial view with significant monuments in the foreground]...
    Bulunamadı: antik
  • ¨ The Villa Publica is the only public building in the Campus Martius that was constructed before the end of the republic, in 435 BC.
    Bulunamadı: antik