• Thomson, bunu elektron demetlerinin özellikleri üzerine yaptığı çalışmalar sayesinde keşfetti.
  • J.J. Thomson: Electricity and Matter (PDF). Articles & interviews on the Dynamic Theory of Gravity. ... William Thomson - Lord Kelvin (1824-1907).
  • The plum pudding model is a model of the atom proposed by J.J. Thomson, in which the atom is composed of a positively charged sphere with electrons...
  • Thomson’s most important line of work, interrupted only for lectures at Princeton University in 1896, was that which led him in 1897 to the conclusion that...
  • Thomson interpreted the deflection of the rays by electrically charged plates and magnets as evidence of “bodies much smaller than atoms” (electrons)...
  • In 1904, Thomson proposed a model of the atom as a sphere of positive matter with electrons positioned based on electrostatic forces.
  • J.J. Thomson attended Trinity College at Cambridge, where he would come to head the Cavendish Laboratory.
  • Thomson’un 1903 ‘de yayımlanan Gazlarla Elektrik İletimi adlı kitabı, Rayleigh tarafından Thomson’un Cavendish Laboratuvarındaki çalışmalarının bir gözden...
  • One of Thomson’s greatest achievements came during his research on cathode rays, particularly observing cathode rays as they travelled through air and...
  • 1890'da, J. J. Thomson, iki çocuğum olduğu hekim Sir Edward George Paget'in kızı Rose Elizabeth Paget ile evlendi: Joan Paget Thomson adında bir kız ve bir...