• Horemheb, Antik Mısır'da yaklaşık milattan önce 1319 ila 1292 yılları arasında hüküm sürmüş 18. hanedanın son firavunudur. Hayatı.
  • Horemheb has perhaps unfairly been characterised simply as a military man with the implication that his military position allowed him to seize power.
  • Having served as commander of the army under Tutankhamen , Horemheb came to the throne after the ephemeral reign of Ay and completed the dismantling of...
  • - ne zaman ki ay kendi torunu ankhesemun ile evlenmiş. horemheb o zaman anlamış ki iş boka sarıyor, tutankhamun ölüp de ay kalırsa...
  • Barely four years after the death of Nebkheperure Tutankhamun in 1323 BC, the powerful ruling family was overthrown by Horemheb, a general and one-time...
  • The Rameses Kings mirrored his precedent in creating a stable, efficient government, and there is merit to the argument that Horemheb should be remembered as...
  • The persecution of the Amarna period kings seems to have started under Horemheb, who had the Aten temples dismantled, though the names of Akhenaten...
  • Horemheb failed to produce a son, so instead he appointed his vizier, Paramessu, to succeed him, which he did as Ramesses I.
  • Zaman zaman Büyük Horemheb Fermanı olarak adlandırılan [13] , kralın İki Ülkede düzeni yeniden tesis etme ve devlet otoritesinin suiistimallerini engelleme...
  • Star pattern; kheker frieze; Anubis jackal seated on shrine; Horus bringing Horemheb before Isis (scene 1); Horemheb offering wine [to Hathor] (scene 2).