• François Mitterrand yönetiminin sosyalist içerikli ekonomi politikaları enflasyonun yükselmesine ve başka sorunların doğmasına yol açtı...
  • 1969 seçimlerinde ortalıklarda görünmeyen mitterrand, 1974'te tekrar valery giscard d'estaing 'e karşı namzet olmuştur fakat sonuç yine hüsran..
  • François Mitterrand was a politician who served two terms (1981–95) as president of France, leading his country to closer political and economic integration...
  • L'Institut François Mitterrand, fondation reconnue établissement d’utilité publique, a besoin de vos dons pour continuer et développer ses actions.
  • She said: “François Mitterrand was a man of convictions, his detractors wanted to make him out to be a self-interested Machiavelli.
  • President François Mitterrand is a notoriously ambiguous figure and one which, indeed, is an object of both interest and repulsion for the European Right.
  • François Mitterrand was born on October 26, 1916 in Jarnac, Charente, in a conservative Catholic family of Gilbert Felix Joseph and Marie Gabrielle Yvonne Lorrain.
  • But in 1981, when PS leader François Mitterrand swept into office as the first president from the Left in the history of the Fifth Republic, the hopes he inspired...
  • From 27 November 1943, Mitterrand worked for the Bureau central de renseignements et d'action.[40] In December 1943 François Mitterrand ordered the...
  • François Mitterrand'ın bu muhafazakar milliyetçi hareketlere katılımı 1990'larda ortaya çıktığında, eylemlerini gençliğinin çevresine bağladı.