• Bu gelişmeler üzerine Sovyet Kızılordu birlikleri Budapeşte'yi işgal etti; Nagy Yugoslavya'nın Budapeşte'deki büyükelçiliğine sığınırken, reformcu...
  • Imre Nagy did not object to his daughter's romance and eventual marriage to a Protestant minister, attending their religious wedding ceremony in 1946 without...
  • Imre Nagy was born 7 June 1896 in the town of Kaposvár in southern Hungary.
  • During the October 1956 revolution , the anti-Soviet elements turned to Nagy for leadership, and he became once more premier of Hungary.
  • Selected speeches on policies adopted by Nagy are in Imre Nagy, On communism, in defense of the new course (1957).
  • macar gençleri 1956'da bugün başlarındaki kukla hükümete karşı ayaklanmıştı. hayatını komünist ideallere adamış imre nagy'i liderleri seçtiler...
  • The Soviets also imposed politicians on these countries and Imre Nagy returned to Hungary in 1945 as Minister of Agriculture.
  • Imre Nagy was born on 21 February 1933 in Monor, Hungary.
  • Imre Nagy was known for his love of poetry and literature, often quoting verses from Hungarian poets in his speeches and writings.
  • Komünist Parti'nin merkez komitesi, Imre Nagy'yi bir kez daha hükümet başkanı olarak çağırıyor.