• Leonard Woolf eşi için bir basımevi kurmuştu ve bu da Virginia Woolf'un yazdığı kitapları yayımlatması için bir fırsat olmuştu.
  • Though her novels are the best-known aspects of her literary output, Virginia Woolf’s essays on art are important to consider regarding her artistic philosophy.
  • [Virginia Woolf] told Ethel that she only really loved three people: Leonard, Vanessa, and myself, which annoyed Ethel but pleased me – Vita...
  • Virginia Woolf is reputed for her contributions to the 20th-century literature sparking the voice of feminism and strongly advocating for it when chauvinism was at...
  • The Woolfs also printed by hand, with Vanessa Bell’s illustrations, Virginia’s Kew Gardens (1919), a story organized, like a Post-Impressionistic painting, by...
  • And when Virginia married Leonard Woolf in 1912, the group was even further consolidated, with the two Stephen sisters centering the group as Thoby...
  • N. Nicolson ile J. Trautmann’ın derlediği The Letters of Virginia Woolf (Virginia Woolfun Mektupları) 1975-1980 arasında 6 cilt halinde basılmıştır.
  • Virginia Woolf 1909’da bir süreliğine kuzeni Lytton Strachey’la nişanlansa da, 1912’de bu çevreden gazeteci ve deneme yazarı Leonard Woolf ile evlendi.
  • Born into a privileged English household in 1882, author Virginia Woolf was raised by free-thinking parents.
  • Virginia Woolf’un Hayatı Virginia Woolf, 25 Ocak 1882’de Sir Leslie Stephen ile Julia Duckworth’ın 5 çocuğundan biri olarak dünyaya geldi.