• Coatlicue (/kwɑːtˈliːkweɪ/; Classical Nahuatl: cōātl īcue, Nahuatl pronunciation: [koː(w)aːˈtɬiːkʷeː] , "skirt of snakes"), wife of Mixcōhuātl, also known as Tēteoh īnnān...
  • Coatlicue was the earth goddess of Aztecs and worshipped during the spring and autumn seasons.
  • Just like with many other Aztec gods and goddesses, we can find mentions of Cōātlīcue in several medieval manuscripts, such as Codex Rios, Codex Florentine, and...
  • Coatlicue was the serpent-skirt wearing Aztec goddess of fertility who prophesied the fall of the Aztec empire.
  • Coatlicue or 'Serpent Skirt' was a major deity in the Aztec pantheon and regarded as the earth-mother goddess equivalent to Gaia.
  • Coatlicue is represented as an old woman to symbolise the antiquity...
  • Coatlicue was a mother goddess, but that does not mean that she seemed loving and nurturing.
  • Coatlicue, Aztec earth goddess, symbol of the earth as both creator and destroyer, mother of the gods and mortals.
  • Aztek panteonunda yaygın bir uygulama olduğu gibi, Coatlicue, her biri kendi tanrısallığının farklı bir yönünü temsil eden birden fazla isim kullanıyordu.
  • This goddess has clawed feet, and wears a necklace of body parts and the snake-skirt from which she takes her name.
  • Coatlicue, Aztek yaşam, ölüm ve doğurganlık tanrıçasıydı. Nahuatl'da adı "yılan etekli" anlamına gelir ve.
  • Coatlicue (Ciuacoatl, Civocoatl, Cihuacoatl, Coatlantona, Conteotl) (the serpent lady, robe of serpent) In Aztec mythology, mother of the Sun as well as his wife...
  • aztec mitholojisinde bir toprak canavari devasa bir toprak canavari ki queatzalqoatl ile tezcatlipoca ona karsi savasirlar ikiye parcalarlar ve boylece parcalardan...