• Attestation[edit]. In both Hyndluljód (The Lay of Hyndla) and Gylfaginning (Beguiling of Gylfi), Aurboða is portrayed as the mother of the jötunn Gerðr.[3].
  • Aurboða. "Gravel-bidder." According to Völuspá hin skamma, a giantess, the wife of a certain Gýmir. ... For other occurances of the name "Aurboða", click here.
  • But in the midst of this circle of dises, Svipdag also sees Aurboða (Fjölsvinnsmál 38). Of the one as of the other, it is related that she was a volva of the giant-race...
  • Ægir Alvaldi Angrboða Aurboða Baugi Beli Bergelmir Bestla Bölþorn Býleistr Eggþér Fárbauti Fjölvar Fornjót Gangr Geirröðr Gillingr Gjálp and Greip Gríðr...
  • Aurboða is a Jǫtunn. Her husband is Gymir and her daughter is Gerðr [2]. Aurboða is also the name of one of Menglǫð's maids in Fjǫlsvinnsmál [2].
  • We praise You, Aurboða, wise and pious in making offerings to the land and the spirits therein. They are Your allies and a source of Your power.