• Thomson Atom Modeli: Joseph John Thomson, değişik gazlarda yapmış olduğu deneylerle her atomun elektron yükünün kütlesine oranını hesaplayarak...
  • B Born in Edinburgh in 1837, John Thomson attended university in his hometown — majoring in chemistry.
  • Joseph John Thomson, değişik gazlarla yaptığı deneylerle her atomun elektron yükünün kütlesine oranını hesaplayarak elektronu keşfetti.
  • The British physicist Joseph John “J. J.” Thomson (1856–1940) performed a series of experiments in 1897 designed to study the nature of electric discharge in a...
  • Thomson’s most important line of work, interrupted only for lectures at Princeton University in 1896, was that which led him in 1897 to the conclusion that...
  • When an apprenticeship at an engineering firm couldn't be found, Thomson was sent to bide his time at Owens College at the age of 14.
  • Thomson’un 1903 ‘de yayımlanan Gazlarla Elektrik İletimi adlı kitabı, Rayleigh tarafından Thomson’un Cavendish Laboratuvarındaki çalışmalarının bir gözden...
  • John Thomson was born on 2 April 1969 in Salford, Lancashire, England, UK.
  • Joseph John Thomson Elektronun keşfi, atom modeli, izotopların keşfi veya katod ışını deneyi gibi çeşitli katkılar için önde gelen bir kimyagerdi..
  • Sir Joseph John Thomson or J.J. Thomson is best known as the man who discovered the electron.