• Irtiza Rubab (Urdu: ارتضی رباب)[2] (born 12 May 1977), better known by her stage name Meera (Urdu: میرا),[3] is a Pakistani film actress and television presenter.
  • Irtiza Rubab, well known by her stage name Meera is a Pakistani film actress, TV presenter, model and leading philanthropist.
  • Inteha went on to become a bit hit and Meera was named the Best Actress of the year for her breakout performance.
  • Before her Bollywood debut, Meera has the experience of working in as many as 60 Pak films. She was recently nominated as the best actress in Pakistan’s Lux...
  • Pakistani actress Meera poses for a photographer at her home in Lahore, 04 May 2004. Meera has signed deals to act in two Indian Bollywood films
  • Meera is a well-known Pakistani actress, model, TV presenter. Her real name is Irtiza Rubab. She was born on 12th May 1977 in Sheikhupura, Pakistan.
  • Pakistani actress Meera has decided to enter politics. The actress has joined Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan's ruling party Pakistan
  • She has worked in some Indian movies, like Nazar and Kasak. Meera is very talented Pakistani actress, best dancer and liked by all age of girls and boys.
  • In the past, Meera had relocated to Mumbai, Maharashtra in order to pursue her Bollywood career and has become the first actress of Pakistani origin to make a...
  • Additionally, we will discuss the latest trends and discoveries related to Meera (Pakistani actress), as well as opinions from experts in the field.