• Anput (right) depicted on a triad statue with Hathor and the Pharaoh Menkaure. Anput is a goddess in ancient Egyptian religion.
  • Probably the most notable example is that of the triad of Menkaure, Hathor and Anput. ... Menkaure, Hathor and Anput @Nefermaat CC ASA 2.5.
  • You know, in the vast world of ancient Egyptian myths, Anput often gets overlooked. She’s usually in the shadow of her more famous hubby, Anubis.
  • Anput, also spelled Input, Inpewt, or Yineput, is a goddess in ancient Egyptian religion. Her name is written in hieroglyphs as inpwt.
  • The Depiction of Anput, the Female Version of Anubis. The depiction of Anput in ancient Egyptian mythology is both captivating and significant.
  • Anput Mısır Mitolojisi; Anput (Input), Kebechet’nin (arınma tanrıçası) annesi Anubis’in karısı ve Yukarı Mısır’ın on yedinci nome’unun kişileştirilmesiydi.
  • Ancak Anput'ın arınmanın tanrıçası olan Kebechet'in annesi olduğu düşünülüyordu. ... Muhtemelen en dikkate değer örnek Menkaure, Hathor ve Anput üçlüsüdür.
  • Anput, Antik Mısır dininde bir tanrıçadır. Adı ayrıca Anupet, Input, Inpewt ve Yineput şeklinde de ifade edilmiştir. ... Anput, tanrı Anubis'in bir kadın karşılığıdır.
  • Anput appears in 4 issues. ... Anput's role in Egyptian mythology is closely connected to the funerary practices and beliefs of ancient Egypt.
  • From Egyptian jnpwt as rendered in the outdated 19th-century transcription scheme developed by Karl Richard Lepsius (ȧnput). Pronunciation. IPA(key): /ˈænpʊt/, /ˈɑːnpʊt/.