• The Kremlin Arsenal (Russian: Арсенал Московского Кремля) is a former armory built within the grounds of the Moscow Kremlin in Russia.
  • To the left of the entrance arch to the Arsenal you can see a commemorative plaque in which the names of the military personnel of the Kremlin garrison are...
  • ...زرادخانه کرملین; 克里姆林宮兵工廠; Kremeljski arzenal; Arsenał kremlowski; ארסנל הקרמלין; Arsenal Moskovskogo Kremlja; Arsenal del Kremlin...
  • Kremlin Arsenal, Moskva, Lūsia, 109012, N55°45'12", E37°36'59".
  • Arsenal'in giriş kemerinin solunda, üzerinde Kremlin garnizon askerlerinin isimlerinin ölümsüzleştirildiği bir anıt plaketi görebilirsiniz.
  • Kremlin kalesinin genişlemesi ile birliktekompozisyonuna güçlü bir Köşe Arsenal Kulesi'nin dikildiği bir yay dahil edilmesine karar verildi.
  • After recovering from the damage caused bythe Napoleonic invasion of 1812, the description of the Moscow Kremlin Arsenal of that time fully corresponds...
  • The Kremlin Arsenal dates back to the 18th century. Peter the Great, the first emperor of Russia, had it built to house offices and armories.
  • Kremlin Arsenal is a military building that was built from 1702 until 1736.