• The least chipmunk (Neotamias minimus) is the smallest species of chipmunk[2] and the most widespread in North America. Description.
  • The least chipmunk (Neotamias minimus) is the tiniest chipmunk of all. Least chipmunks weigh about the same as a candy bar.
  • Least chipmunk is the most widespread and also the smallest of the North American chipmunks. In Canada it occurs from Ontario to Yukon Territory.
  • Two of the most commonly seen species are the eastern chipmunk and the least chipmunk.
  • · The least chipmunk is the only kind of chipmunk found in the Yukon. · When filled, each cheek pouch can grow as large as a chipmunk’s entire head.
  • Look for the Least Chipmunk darting about under shrubs and around logs, or high-tailing it across roads and highways.
  • Have you heard about the Least Chipmunks? The Neotamias minimus is the smallest chipmunk species and is distributed throughout North America.
  • At birth, least chipmunks are only 50 mm long, ans weigh only 2.25 g. Mothers provvide milk for their babies until they are 60 days old.
  • The Least Chipmunk, Tamias minimus, is perfectly named! This is a very small chipmunk, weighing only 32 to 50 grams with a total length of 185-216 mm.
  • The least chipmunk is the most widespread North American chipmunk, both in geographic range and habitats.