• Seltún geothermal field within Krýsuvík volcanic system. Krýsuvík in the south-east of Iceland is related to its other volcanic systems. Búrfellsgjá lava channel.
  • Tekið er á móti umsóknum eftir meðferðarplássi í Krýsuvík á Austurgötu 8, í Hafnarfirði, alla þriðjudaga kl.
  • South of the farm Krysuvik is the bird cliff Krisuvikurbjarg, where kittiwakes, Guillemots, razorbills and other birds nest.
  • This Krýsuvík geothermal area in the western part of Iceland is greatly popular for recreation due to its expansive hiking routes as well as for its mind blowing...
  • Couple of rounded lakes (maars) can be found just a few minutes away from geothermal area of Krýsuvík.
  • Bonjour, Quelqu'un pourrait me donner une estimation du temps passer sur le site de Krysuvik-Seltun svp? merci Elie.
  • Located in the middle of a fissure on the mid-Atlantic ridge, Krýsuvík geothermal area is defined by mud pots, hot springs, and steaming vents.
  • What makes Krýsuvík most unique as a geothermal area is that it has been excellently prepared for visitors.
  • Contact the Hafnarfjörður Tourist Information Centre for a detailed map of the Krýsuvík area, including hiking and walking routes and information on local history...
  • Krýsuvík İzlanda'da bir jeotermal bölgedir . _ Reykjanes yarımadasının güney kıyısı boyunca yer alan bu bölge, orta Atlantik sırtının ortasında yer alan ülkenin en önemli...
  • Krýsuvík was once a separate parish, with one of the largest estate farms in the country, and many tenants crofts.
  • For a detailed map of the Krýsuvík area — which is located on the Reykjanes peninsula in Iceland — you may contact the Hafnarfjörður Tourist Information Centre.
  • On 15 September the Aviation Color Code for Krýsuvík-Trölladyngja was changed to Green, reflecting that the activity was at known background levels.