• Seltún geothermal field within Krýsuvík volcanic system. Krýsuvík in the south-east of Iceland is related to its other volcanic systems. Búrfellsgjá lava channel.
  • South of the farm Krysuvik is the bird cliff Krisuvikurbjarg, where kittiwakes, Guillemots, razorbills and other birds nest. An unclear track lies all the way to the edge.
  • Where exactly is Krysuvik-Seltun form the Blue lagoon? How would I get there with no transportation at my disposal?
  • Contact the Hafnarfjörður Tourist Information Centre for a detailed map of the Krýsuvík area, including hiking and walking routes and information on local history...
  • While getting ready for small trip, rain has passed several times. Same story while driving to Krýsuvík geothermal area. No worries, it hasn’t killed the drive.
  • Vísir skrifaði á dögunum um stækkun meðferðarinnar á Krýsuvík og þar breytingar og úrbætur sem hafa verið gerðar að undanförnu: „Framkvæmdastjóri...
  • Located in the middle of a fissure on the mid-Atlantic ridge, Krýsuvík geothermal area is defined by mud pots, hot springs, and steaming vents.
  • Krýsuvík is a geothermal area, located on the Reykjanes Peninsula in south-west Iceland. Read more about it here.
  • We picked a good day to make the trip to Krýsuvík, with clear skies and plenty of sunshine. It was quite warm by Icelandic standards...
  • Krýsuvík, Reykjavik - One of Iceland's must see geothermal areas with bubbling mud pools and colourful lakes, it also plays host to some exciting hiki...
  • The large eruption of the Ogmundargigar volcano took place several kilometers from Krysuvik in 1151. Lava reached the ocean then.
  • On 15 September the Aviation Color Code for Krýsuvík-Trölladyngja was changed to Green, reflecting that the activity was at known background levels.