• Dear guests of Zaryadye Park! You can purchase tickets without pre-registration on the second page of the park https://welcome.zaryadyepark.ru/.
  • Zaryadye Park (Russian: Парк Зарядье) is a landscape urban park located adjacent to Red Square in Moscow, Russia, on the site of the former Zaryadye district.
  • Although the idea to create a park on the territory is attributed to President Vladimir Putin, the ultra-modern Zaryadye Park is Sobyanin’s pet project.
  • The park of "If" - the 2ND prize winner. The Zaryadye Park is located right in the heart of Moscow, beside the Kremlin by the Moscow River.
  • As the first large scale park to be built in Moscow in the last fifty years, Zaryadye provides a public space that resists easy categorization.
  • Zaryadye will be the first public park built in Moscow for over 50 years, the last being the Soviet Friendship Park, built for the 1957 Festival of Youth and Students.
  • Free to enter, and barring a quick summer drizzle, the Dome pavilion serves as Zaryadye Park’s information centre for visitors.
  • It was designed by U.S. studio ‘Diller Scofidio + Renfro’, ‘Hargreaves Associates’ and Moscow firm ‘Citymakers’. Zaryadye is the most innovative park in the...
  • Zaryadye Park is a new type of public space created by an international team of architects, engineers, landscape designers and other experts.
  • Diller Scofidio + Renfro ortaklarından Charles Renfro projeyi şöyle açıklıyor: “Zaryadye Park, basit kategorizasyona direnen bir kamusal alan sunuyor.