• Civic Initiative tried to unite with Yabloko for the sake of nominating a single list of candidates for the elections to the State Duma.
  • The UMass Civic Initiative is dedicated to promoting democracy and cultural exchange through comprehensive educational programs, both in the U.S. and abroad.
  • Civic Initiative is a topic that has captured the attention of experts in the field, as well as the general public, due to its relevance and importance today.
  • Before launching a civic initiative, define the problem precisely and make sure that the authority you are going to contact really has the right to solve it.
  • The Civic Initiative is a new participatory structure set up in partnership with a wide-range of civic society organisations to give voice to people and communities on...
  • Civic initiatives. Video: PPCA No. | Review of Public Procurement Conferences and Our Speech Portfolio in 2023 2024, June.
  • ...support, with a focus on helping procurement PROCUREMENT AS A SERVICE: Civic Initiatives help public sector clients make procurement a strategic asset.
  • Civic Initiatives has supported over 100 procurement transformation projects in over 35 unique states. Contact Us for references and additional detail.