• El capitalisme ha ajudat a sortir a més gent de la pobresa que totes les ONGs i tots els crèdits tous del món Converses amb Xavier Sala i Martin, 2007.
  • Xavier X. Sala i Martín (also Sala-i-Martin in English) is a Catalan economist and professor of economics at Columbia University.
  • RJ Barro, X Sala-i-Martin, OJ Blanchard, RE Hall. Brookings papers on economic activity, 107-182, 1991.
  • Professor Xavier Sala-i-Martin is one of the world’s most respected economists and authority on global competitiveness.
  • Xavier Sala i Martin is the J. and M. Grossman Professor of Economics at Columbia ... Complete the form below to check Xavier Sala-i-Martin's availability.
  • Xavier Sala i Martin is the J. and M. Grossman Professor of Economics at Columbia University in New York and the Chief Economic Advisor of the Center for...
  • Xavier Sala-i-Martin. Professor, Department of Economics, Columbia University. BA, Autònoma Barcelona; MA and PhD, Harvard University.
  • Using the methodology of Pinkovskiy and Sala-i-Martin (2009), we estimate income distributions, poverty rates, and inequality and welfare indices for African...