• [8] The late third-century BC comedian Theognetus refers to "trifling arguments from the Poikile Stoa" in a joke about philosophers.
  • Together with a friend, Jennifer and I first went to the Stoa Poikile, simply because of its proximity to the Agora, which we visited on that afternoon.
  • Reconstruction of the Stoa Poikile by Kronoskaf.
  • The location of the Stoa Poikile is not part of the current agora archeological site open to the public (as of June 2007).
  • The Stoa Poikile was one of the most famous sites in ancient Athens, owing its fame to the paintings and loot from wars dis...
  • A bit of the Stoa Poikile was exposed during the 1981 excavation season, but the rest has been inaccessibly covered by modern buildings—until now.
  • atina'daki stoa lardan biridir. iö. 5. yy'da yapilmistir, perikles donemi yapisidir. bezemeleri mikon'a aittir, marathon savasini ve diger bazi savaslari * * anlatir.
  • pull all. Stoas near [[stoa poikile]]. Etherpad at https://stoa.anagora.org/p/stoa-poikile.
  • They are not 100% sure where the stoa poikile is, although it is likely partially underneath a restaurant and perhaps even the subway tunnels.