• Château de Le Quesnel’, or ‘Château Sécession’ is an abandoned castle in Le Quesnel (Somme) in France. It was abandoned in 2010 and burned down 7 years...
  • During the First World War, the small town of Quesnel stayed away from the heavy fighting of the front lines, however, the château did become occupied by...
  • Château du Quesnel. Rue de Beaufort, 80118 Le Quesnel, Fransa.
  • Château de Le Quesnel destroyed by fire (December 2018). The castle burned down in December 2018.
  • The castle belonged to the knightly family of Quesnel in the XII century.
  • Chateau Secession was mentioned and we thought it would be a nice little bimble on the way back to the ferry - if time allowed.
  • histoire du CHATEAU de LE QUESNEL 51VVP723VEL._SX344_BO1,204,203,200_. voici ce qui est décrit.
  • Chateau Quesnel um 1900 / Foto: Défense du patrimonie Français / Bild oben: Screenshot aus Video des Courrier Picard. Das leer stehende, verfallende...