• Grossmünster, (great minster (büyük manastır)) İsviçre'nin Zürih kentinde olan Romanesk tarzı bir Protestan kilisesidir. Koruyucu azizleri...
  • Das Grossmünster ist eine evangelisch-reformierte Kirche in der Altstadt von Zürich von markanter Ausstrahlung.
  • Located in the heart of Zurich’s old town, the Grossmünster church is one of the four major churches and a must-see on any visit to Zurich.
  • The Grossmünster has many modern additions which have softened the dour interior which the reformers favoured.
  • The current austere simplicity of Grossmünster's interiors is a direct result of Ulrich Zwingli's Reformation. Legends & Medieval History.
  • They are an opportunity for him to share his love of the Grossmünster and the vast knowledge he has built up over the years with adults and children alike.
  • Grossmünster 9. yüzyıla dayanan bir efsaneye sahiptir. Efsaneye göre Felix ve Regula kardeşler bu yüzden katledilen Teb lejyonuna mensuplardır.
  • In the first half of the 16th century, the Grossmünster served as the starting point of the Reformation under Huldrych Zwingli and Heinrich Bullinger.
  • Grossmünster, also means the great minister, is a beautiful 12th-century cathedral and is one of the most recognizable and distinguished landmarks of Zurich.