• The Colossus of Constantine (Italian: Statua Colossale di Costantino I) was a many times life-size acrolithic early-4th-century statue depicting the Roman emperor...
  • It has also been argued that Maxentius first reused a second-century colossus, perhaps originally of Hadrian, which Constantine later reworked to resemble...
  • Until the end of 2025, tourists and residents of Rome have the unique opportunity to witness the grandeur of the Colossus of Constantine for free.
  • What was the size of the original Colossus of Constantine? How has Constantine’s statue influenced modern perceptions of historical heritage?
  • The Colossus of Constantine, c. 312–15 (Palazzo dei Conservatori, Musei Capitolini, Rome).
  • The so-called Colossus of Constantine, which dates to the early 4th century, was a monumental statue erected to celebrate Constantine’s reign.
  • A huge replica of the Colossus of Constantine stands in the garden of Villa Caffarelli, at the Capitoline Museums.
  • Rome's Colossus of Constantine. British artist digitally reconstructs original from remaining fragments to create new statue of Roman emperor.
  • The Colossus of Constantine has a fascinating connection with the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, the most important temple in ancient Rome.