• The lesser-known Arch of Titus was a triple bay arch erected at the eastern end of the Circus Maximus by the Senate in A.D. 81...
  • Therefore, the Arch in the Circus would seem to have been a three-bay arch at the time of the creation of all later coins regardless of artist's interpretation.
  • The triumphal arch in the Circus Maximus stood at the place where in 64 CE the fire that destroyed a large part of Rome had broken out.note[Tacitus, Annals 15.38...
  • The fact that the arch in the Circus Maximus contained the longer inscription of the two monuments, and recorded more fully Titus’s imperial titles and the specific...
  • As a fragment (No. 38) of the Marble Plan indicates an arch at the east end of the circus, it is supposed that this arch replaced the porta Pompae, as the entrance...
  • The Arch of Titus is a Roman Triumphal Arch which was erected by Domitian in c. 81 CE at the foot of the Palatine hill on the Via Sacra in the Forum Romanum...
  • Recent archaeological excavations (2015) in the Circus Maximus have revealed previously unknown remains of this “lost” arch, including elements of its...
  • Not to be confused with Arch of Titus.The lesser-known Arch of Titus was a triple arch erected by the east end of the Circus Maximus by the Senate in 81 AD...
  • Walk along the cobbled street of the Via Sacra and you’ll see this imposing triumphal arch, built in the first century AD to commemorate Titus’s military victories.
  • Modern arches have been modeled on the Arch of Titus, especially Napolean's Arc de Triomphe in Paris which maintains the same proportions but is larger.