• İn dubio pro reo sözü, sanık için şüphe varsa veya failin suçu işlediğine dair yeterli bir kanıt bulunamazsa failin beraatına karar verilmesini öngörür.
  • In dubio pro reo is a Latin adage that translates into French as“when in doubt, the judge must rule in favor of the accused.
  • Latince ‘in dubio pro reo’ olarak ifade edilen ve masumiyet (suçsuzluk) karinesinin bir uzantısı olan ‘şüpheden sanık yararlanır ilkesi’ ceza yargılaması...
  • The page of Egidio Bossi's treatise containing the words ″in dubio pro reo″. The principle of in dubio pro reo (Latin for "[when] in doubt, rule for the accused")[1][2]...
  • In most cases, though, the idea of in dubio pro reo prevails. All a defendant must do to retain his innocence is establish credible doubt about a prosecutor’s case.
  • Page Contents
    • 1 What is the in dubio pro reo principle?
    • 2 What is the meaning of doctrine of pro reo?
  • In dubio pro reo is a Latin expression that means "in doubt, in favor of the defendant". ... In dubio pro reo in criminal law.
  • In dubio pro reo is a Latin legal term that means "When in doubt, in favor of the accused." This in lay terms is roughly equivalent to "Innocent until proven guilty."