• PubChem is the world's largest collection of freely accessible chemical information.
  • PubChem Upload tool enables users to submit data to the PubChem Substance and PubChem BioAssay databases.
  • PubChem is integrated with Entrez, NCBI's primary search engine, and also provides compound neighboring, sub/superstructure, similarity structure, bioactivity...
  • PubChem is a database of chemical molecules and their activities against biological assays. The system is maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information...
  • PubChem contains substance descriptions and small molecules with fewer than 1000 atoms and 1000 bonds.
  • The PubChem Substance Database contains descriptions of samples, from a variety of sources, and links to biological screening results that are available in...
  • Each record in the data collections has a dedicated web page (called a Summary page), which presents information available in PubChem for that record.
  • PubChem - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics - Science, health and.
  • PubChem contains the chemical structures of small organic molecules and information on their biological activities.
  • Çeşitli kaynaklardan numune karışımlarının açıklamalarını ve PubChem BioAssay'den temin edilebilen biyolojik tarama sonuçlarına bağlantılar içerir.