• A banana contains naturally occurring radioactive material in the form of potassium-40. Banana equivalent dose (BED)...
  • This information has allowed me to confirm a number I have seen for the Banana Equivalent Dose of 78 nanoSieverts (nSv).
  • Figure 1: Comparison of different radiological exposure doses in the form of banana equivalent dose.
  • The banana equivalent dose, a measurement of a banana’s ionizing radiation, is 0.0000001 Sv (Sievert).
  • The Banana Equivalent Dose "standard" is based on the fact that bananas, like all living things, give off radiation.
  • The banana equivalent dose (BED) is a mock unit of effective dose (E). It is equal to the committed effective dose due to the intake of the average amount of 40K...
  • ...measure that has been proposed to illustrate natural radiation exposure is the Banana Equivalent Dose (more technically the biologically effective dose) or BED.
  • The Banana Equivalent Dose calculator returns the equivalent radiation from a number of bananas INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the following: (n)...
  • </h3><p>Several sources point out that the banana equivalent dose is a flawed concept because consuming a banana does not increase one&#39;s exposure to...
  • A banana equivalent dose (abbreviated BED) is an informal expression of ionizing radiation exposure.
  • By comparing the exposure from these events to a banana equivalent dose, a more intuitive assessment of the actual risk can sometimes be obtained.
  • Banana Equivalent Dose Chart - Web the banana equivalent dose calculator returns the equivalent radiation from a number of bananas.