• The Pnyx is a small, rocky hill surrounded by parkland, with a large flat platform of eroded stone set into its side, and by steps carved on its slope.
  • Due to its unique morphology and size, the Pnyx was selected as the seat of the Ecclesia and the area of assembly for Athenian citizens.
  • With the passage of time, the original foundation of Pnyx changed, with the reversal of the spectator seats and the speaker’s area.
  • Idling Athenians were called to the assembly by public slaves who stretched a braided rope covered in red paint to guide them to the Pnyx.
  • . The Pnyx (Greek Πνυξ, pronounced "Pnooks" in Ancient Greek, "Pniks" in Modern Greek), is a hill in central Athens, the capital of Greece.
  • Me and my wife have visited Athens 2 times already, seen all major sites, yet we did not know about Pnyx, and it is located right opposite Acropolis!
  • PNYX is a sonic treasure hunt disguised as a sleek, addictive game, where the soundtrack is your own ever-evolving playlist.
  • Today the Pnyx is covered with trees and is one of the few green spaces of the city and a favorite park for its residents.