• In February 2024, I finally returned to the Aljafería. With an excellent guided tour, I learned thrilling details about the uses to which the people of Zaragoza have put...
  • Cuando Alfonso I el Batallador reconquista Zaragoza a principios del siglo XII, la Aljafería se convierte en la Residencia de los Reyes Cristianos del Reino de...
  • The oldest construction inside the Aljafería Palace is the tower of el Trovador.
  • Pano Gracia, José Luis y M. Isabel Sepúlveda Sauras. 1988. La Aljafería de Zaragoza. Guía histórico-artística y literaria.
  • The Aljafería Palace is a fortified medieval palace built during the second half of the 11th century in the Taifa of Zaragoza in Al-Andalus, present day Zaragoza, Aragon, Spain.
  • As early as the late 9th century, a residential tower stood on the site where the Aljafería of Zaragoza stands today.
  • After the reconquest of Zaragoza in the early 12th Century, the Aljafería, the palace of the Moorish king of Zaragoza, was transformed into a palace for the victorious...
  • The Aljafería is Spain's finest Islamic-era edifice outside Andalucía. Built as a fortified palace for Zaragoza's Islamic rulers in the 11th century, it passed into...
  • Including an entry ticket to the Aljafería Palace and a Spanish tour guide, the guided visit to the Palacio De La Aljafería in Zaragoza offers a comprehensive...
  • The Aljafería in Zaragoza was declared a National Monument of Historical and Artistic Interest on the 4th June 1931.