• -help: Cassandra Query Language (CQL) is the primary language used to interact with Apache Cassandra databases.
  • "Netflix uses Apache Cassandra heavily to satisfy its ever-growing persistence needs on its mission to entertain the world.
  • Motivation. Apache Cassandra. Partitioning and replication. ... Apache Cassandra. started @Facebook inspired by BigTable model and Amazon DynamoDB.
  • Wikimedia Commons has media related to Apache Cassandra. Wikiversity has learning resources about Big Data/Cassandra.
  • Apache Cassandra. @cassandra. Open Source NoSQL Database Manage massive amounts of data, fast, without losing sleep.
  • So, there is a need for a new database. After many databases, Apache Cassandra came up eventually, fulfilling every requirement. So, let’s start Cassandra Tutorial.
  • Download our whitepaper “How to Maximize Availability With Apache Cassandra” to learn various strategies you could apply for your Cassandra deployment.
  • Now it’s time to install Apache Cassandra! While there are many ways to install Cassandra, the most convenient way is through the official repository.
  • We will explore the features and benefits of Apache Cassandra, as well as its key use cases and how it compares to other popular NoSQL databases.
  • This article will go through how Apache Cassandra is structured, how it works, and the different features and benefits of using it as part of your tech stack.