• Sneak, dip, shove, climb, and jump as you journey from the depths of the Underdark to the glittering rooftops of Baldurs Gate.
  • An ancient evil has returned to Baldur's Gate, intent on devouring it from the inside out. The fate of Faerûn lies in your hands. Alone, you may resist.
  • Baldur's Gate, BioWare isimli firma tarafından yapılmış bir bilgisayar rol yapma oyunudur (RYO/RPG). 1998 yılında Interplay Entertainment tarafından yayınlanmıştır.
  • Baldur's Gate is a series of role-playing video games set in the Forgotten Realms Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting.
  • Baldur's Gate , the Halfway to Everywhere , the City of Blood , also simply called the Gate , was one of the largest metropolises and city-states on the Sword Coast...
  • Baldur's Gate: Deluxe Edition, klasik RYO'yu modern bir genişletme ve karakterlerini özelleştirebilmen için bonus bir portre paket ile bir araya getiriyor.
  • Baldur's Gate 3 macerası hem yalnız hem arkadaşlarla yaşanabilir. HİÇBİR DENEYİM AYNI OLMAYACAK Unutulmuş Diyarlar geniş, detaylı ve çeşitli bir dünyadır.
  • Baldur's Gate III: Directed by Swen Vincke. With Amelia Tyler, Neil Newbon, Jennifer English, Devora Wilde. Return to Faerun in a tale of fellowship and...
  • ''on 2 december 2008, atari stated in a press conference that the baldur's gate series (among others) would be revisited after 2009.''